Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mr. Pumpkin on Saturday

Mr. Pumpkins latest measurement. He's looking very round today.

Here's a picture of Mr. Pumpkin with goggles on. Just so you have something to compare him to.

This is a picture of some bees that work all day long in our yard. If it weren't for the wonderful bees, Mr. Pumpkin wouldn't even be here!

This is what pumpkin seeds do eight weeks after you plant them.
Remember, this is only from 7 little seeds!


Anonymous said...

Your cluster map is CRAZY! You've got Italy, Belgium, Spain, Malasia, some tiny island off the east coast of the general China area. Girl, you are GLOBAL! (And you won't be able to cut your grass with all those crazy vines! Poor Fuzzie!)

Anonymous said...

OK - Google Earthed it, and that little island is right around Guam! Hello, Guam!